2025 Old Orchard Beach Calendar of Events
Fireworks In The Square
Professional fireworks display every Thursday evening from June 24 – September 2 A fun event for the entire family. Approximately 9:45pm next to the Pier (sponsored by Palace Playland and The Pier). Also large display July 4th!
2025 Calendar of Events
January 1 – 32st Annual Lobster Dip…
Maine’s original and largest ocean dip. Watch or join in as over 300 participants dip into the chilly waters as part of a fundraiser to benefit Special Olympics Maine. Registration starts at 9:00am and Dip at noon sharp. On the beach in front of the Brunswick Hotel. Sponsored by the Portland Rugby Club. FMI: 207-879-0489 for a registration packet or visit www.somaine.org.
16th Annual Easter Egg Extravaganza… Great family fun for all ages featuring a parade, Easter egg hunt, photos with the OOB Bunny costumed character, animal balloons and other fun-filled games. At Loranger Middle School from 10:00am to 1:00pm. All free to the general public. Sponsored by Old Orchard Beach Recreation Department. FMI: 207-934-0860
Early May — Annual Chowderfest on The Pier… Come taste the best chowder recipes from all over the state and cast your vote for a winner. Noon to 4:00pm FMI: 207-934-3595 or visit www.oobpier.com
Mid May — Annual Beerfest… All day event featuring over 30 microbrews and live music on the Pier. 207-934-3595 or visit www.oobpier.com. Noon to 5:00pm.
May 27 — Memorial Day Parade… The Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion of Old Orchard Beach co-host this 1pm annual parade. Call the Town of Old Orchard Beach at 207-934-4042 for more details.
Late June — 12th Annual Cpt. Christopher S. Cash Memorial 5K and 3 Mile Walk... Time of Run: 8:30am, Time of Walk: 8:35am, Kid’s Fun Run: 7:45am. Start/Finish at E. Emerson Cummings Blvd. (behind OOB Police Station) To volunteer or FMI: Visit our web site at www.runforcash.org or call 207-934-2360. All proceeds benefit the Captain Christopher S. Cash Memorial Scholarship Fund.
July 4 — Fireworks In The Square… Fireworks on the beach next to the Old Orchard Beach Pier every Thursday evening beginning at approximately 9:45 p.m. Great views from most locations on the beach! Fireworks run late June thru early September 3 weather permitting. FMI: 207-934-2001.
Late July and August — Free Concerts in Veteran’s Memorial Park… Enjoy a variety of concerts beginning at approximately 6 p.m. in Veteran’s Memorial Park which is located on the corner of Staples St. & First St. Grab a blanket or a chair, and join us on the lawn for a fabulous, family-friendly concert in the park. This event is brought to you by the Old Orchard Beach Recreation Department. In case of inclement weather, visit www.oobmaine.com for updates or call (207) 934-0860.
Late July — Salvation Army Pier Ministry… Week long evening entertainment in The Square featuring vocalists, magicians, bilingual speakers, bands and other entertainment. Parade of Witness. 17th annual golf tournament. Volleyball beach blast. FMI: 207-934-2024.
Early August — Illumination Night – Ocean Park… Ocean Park community lights their homes during the 25th Annual Festival of Lights. Band concert and strawberry shortcake are special favorites during this event. FMI: 207-934-9068.
Mid August — 34th Annual Beach Olympics… Three days of fun competition, music, displays and a presentation to benefit Special Olympics Maine. Located in the Town Square and Palace Playland. All are welcome. Sponsored by Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution and the Old Orchard Beach Chamber of Commerce. FMI: 207-934-2500
Mid August — Annual 5k Race… Enjoy a kid’s “fun run” or adult 5k through town with T-shirts and medals for the kids and other awards for divisional winners. All are welcome. FMI: 207-282-3607 or visit www.breakaway5k.org
Mid September — Bikefest on the Pier… Motorcycle showcase with live music, a giant pig roast and vendors. Ride your motorcycle on the pier! Hundreds of motorcycles on display. Noon to close. 207-934-3595 or visit www.oobpier.com
Mid September — BikeMaine… Old Orchard Beach is part of BikeMaine’s third annual ride which encompasses an approximate 350 mile loop. For more complete information and to register visit: www.bikemaine.org
Mid September — 7th Annual Chilifest on the Pier… Cast your vote for the best chili in the State. Noon to 4:00pm. 207-934-3595 or visit www.oobpier.com.
Mid September — 25th Annual Car Show… Car show with many divisions, entertainment, trophies and awards. Friday night lineup on Main Street with Parade and Car Show on Saturday. Great family fun for all. Sponsored by Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution and the Old Orchard Beach Chamber of Commerce. FMI: 207-934-2500